It could be worse.......

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Drip Drop....

I have been meaning to work water, I got inspired quickly after talking with some photographers!

My down side still is that my ratio of good pictures to bad picture is 5 to 54. If I could get that even 10 to 50 I would be such a more happy camper!

So here are some water photos I took with my bad ratio.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I am obsessed with eyes, I am not sure what it is but through my camera lens I find my self captivated!  If you think that I am joking I had my sister in the middle of the night perfect her makeup on one eye only so I can take pictures of her eye balls. So here they are..... let me know what you think.

My poor sister took one for the team but I personally think that it paid off!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Belly Dancing #2

I HAD A BLAST! Normally I am not a fan when people tell me they "know" me.  So to say that I know these woman would be really out of place. This is now my second photo shoot with these woman and I know their rhythm! I was able to keep up with them more than I thought I would be able to.

Photographing this class for me brings me to when I was young and every year salsa dancing in Carnival. While the body moves a little different the flow bring something out in you that makes you want to dance! Who would not want to feel that magnetic draw!

These ladies keep wanting to thank me but the experience and the high impact energy of fun is high that I have to stop and say "THANKS LADIES." 
I am not one to say that I am perfect and while I love the shots that I have I am not FULLY comfortable with the settings I have. I changed the ISO but now I think it made it a little more grainy.  I really do hope these ladies ask me to come back soon so I can take more pictures and get it PERFECT!

Tammi's on the move, I wish I could move like her!
Jets pants are moving to the music!

Marlo look how tall I made you look! I only got a couple of smiling pictures but Marlo when you dance and smile you could light up a room!

Michelle this outfit was GREAT! The blue brought out every part of you and the dancing you did last night.
Nicole you make it all look easy!

I hope to one day be able to call you all my friends and "know" you as well as I know my best of friends.

Thanks ladies you are fun and I hope that my open invitation stands!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Belly Dancing

I went to a belly dance class that was taught by Tammi Fabris (photographed above) who was so gracious to allow me to photograph her and her sisters.

I was not impressed with all of my moving photographs. I tried using a micro lens to try and grasp some nice detailed photos. Also the POA has a lot of things on the walls that most people do not want in their pictures like a "maximum capacity" sign.

Here are some of the other ladies I took pictures of.

So I do plan on going back and making a back drop so I can get some BETTER pictures these pictures do these ladies NO justice to how great they dance.

Till Monday Ladies!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


For the longest time out front of my in laws there is a "tree" that I thought produced pink and white blossoms. I am not talking white and pink together on one flower, I am talking about pink and white separate blossoms!

Well I was proven today to not be a very smart cookie when I pulled up to the "tree" I come to find out there is three trees all together!