It could be worse.......

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Drip Drop....

I have been meaning to work water, I got inspired quickly after talking with some photographers!

My down side still is that my ratio of good pictures to bad picture is 5 to 54. If I could get that even 10 to 50 I would be such a more happy camper!

So here are some water photos I took with my bad ratio.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I am obsessed with eyes, I am not sure what it is but through my camera lens I find my self captivated!  If you think that I am joking I had my sister in the middle of the night perfect her makeup on one eye only so I can take pictures of her eye balls. So here they are..... let me know what you think.

My poor sister took one for the team but I personally think that it paid off!